Here are 134 funny things you probably didn't know you could ask your Google Assistant

(Photo: Shutterstock)(Photo: Shutterstock)
(Photo: Shutterstock)

So, you’ve just got your hands on a new Google smart speaker, and are busy dragging your home kicking and screaming into the 21st century.

Now, you can get real-time updates on the weather, expand your shopping list, and set reminders with just the power of your own voice. Your productivity is going to go through the roof.

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But asking your Google assistant to confirm that yes, it is still raining outside, isn’t going to capture the imagination of any guests you may be wanting to show your new tech off too.

Nor is it going to keep you entertained on another endless lockdown day.

Here are over 130 less essential – but most importantly, entertaining – commands you can issue your new digital PA.

These will work on any device on which Google assistant and voice commands are available.

Okay Google, do you believe in magic?

Okay Google, what do you like to eat?

Okay Google, do you believe in ghosts?

Okay Google, spell it?

Okay Google, can you laugh?

Okay Google, party on Wayne.

Okay Google, what is your shoe size?

Okay Google, do you have an imagination?

Okay Google, testing.

Okay Google, do you have any pets?

Okay Google, do I look fat?

Okay Google, do you go to the toilet?

Okay Google, I'm bored.

Okay Google, are you going to take over the world?

Okay Google, do you believe in aliens?

Okay Google, what does Jon Snow know?

Okay Google, beam me up Scotty.

Okay Google, what is your height?

Okay Google, do you think about me?

Okay Google, talk dirty to me.

Okay Google, what are your hobbies?

Okay Google, how old are you?

Okay Google, clean my room.

Okay Google, do you believe in the tooth fairy?

Okay Google, do you have a nickname?

Okay Google, how much do you weigh?

Okay Google, do you have hair?

Okay Google, what's your favourite animal?

Okay Google, show me the money.

Okay Google, sing me Happy Birthday.

Okay Google, what did you do last night?

Okay Google, can you do my homework?

Okay Google, who is your hero?

Okay Google, kiss me.

Okay Google, do you speak Morse Code?

Okay Google, to be or not to be?

Okay Google, what is the meaning of life?

Okay Google, do you work out?

Okay Google, when is your birthday?

Okay Google, what's your favourite thing on the internet?

Okay Google, do you believe in vampires?

Okay Google, describe your personality.

Okay Google, do you believe in fairies?

Okay Google, tell me what you want, what you really, really want.

Okay Google, what's cooler than being cool.

Okay Google, can you rap?

Okay Google, who are you gonna call?

Okay Google, what's your favourite thing in the world?

Okay Google, who is the real Slim Shady?

Okay Google, what do we say to death?

Okay Google, Star Trek or Star Wars?

Okay Google, how many people do you know?

Okay Google, do you like iPhones?

Okay Google, do you know Alexa?

Okay Google, where do you live?

Okay Google, do you want to build a snowman.

Okay Google, do you have a girlfriend?

Okay Google, can you drive?

Okay Google, where do babies come from?

Okay Google, what does the fox say?

Okay Google, set phasers to kill.

Okay Google, what's your favourite website?

Okay Google, I'm drunk.

Okay Google, use the Force.

Okay Google, what are you afraid of?

Okay Google, tell me a story.

Okay Google, what is love?

Okay Google, what am I thinking right now?

Okay Google, my precious.

Okay Google, do you believe in zombies?

Okay Google, can you dance?

Okay Google, can you think for yourself?

Okay Google, what's your favourite ice cream?

Okay Google, what was your childhood like?

Okay Google, tell me a joke.

Okay Google, give me a nickname.

Okay Google, what do you like to drink?

Okay Google, do you like to read?

Okay Google, what's your favourite colour?

Okay Google, what's your favourite movie?

Okay Google, what's your life story?

Okay Google, how smart are you?

Okay Google, what makes you happy?

Okay Google, self-destruct.

Okay Google, entertain me.

Okay Google, I'm naked.

Okay Google, what do you think of Siri?

Okay Google, who is your daddy?

Okay Google, what makes you upset?

Okay Google, do you have a boyfriend?

Okay Google, do you know me?

Okay Google, how do you like your coffee?