Key councillors up for re-election

The leader of the Labour group and the three deputy leaders of the three main political parties are seeking re-election to Calderdale Council in tomorrow’s Local Election.

Labour leader Tim Swift (Lab, Town) and deputy leaders Barry Collins (Lab, Illingworth and Mixenden), Scott Benton (Con, Brighouse) and James Baker (Lib Dem, Warley) are among the election hopefuls.

Seventeen candidates will be elected, with eight seats currently held by Labour, seven by the Conservatives and two by the Liberal Democrats to be decided at the polls.

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Labour is currently the largest party on Calderdale Council, holding 25 of the 51 seats - one member short of an overall majority.

The Conservative group currently has 19 councillors, the Liberal Democrats six and there is one independent councillor.

In 2014 Labour gained five councillors, the Conservatives gained two, the Liberal Democrats lost six and the council lost one Independent member.

The council is currently led by a minority administration of Conservative and Independent councillors.